Establishment: 1974
Area: 4,471 sq km.
40 km South East of Mpanda town: situated between Latitudes 6040’ and 7005’s and between Longitudes 30050’ and 31030’E
Principal features:
Lakes, rivers, swamps, waterfalls, landscapes, Mlele escarpment, Miombo woodland.
900 metres above sea level Major attractions: lakes Katavi and chanda connected by Katumariver, sceneries, waterfalls, the Miombo woodland.
Common animals:
Mostly as for Serengeti, but here you also find PUKU – not found ion other parks.
Distance and time:
40 km from Mpanda, one hour from Mpanda at a normal driving speed.
Best time to visit: May to October
Tourist “Banda” at sitalike: camping and picnic sites inside the park; Radio communication: airstrips. Hotels and lodges, petrol stations and other facilities are at Mpanda – 40 km away.