- 1. Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest
- 2. Bush Duiker
- 3. Klipspringer
- 4. Kirk’s Dik-dik
- 5. Common waterbuck
- 6. Bohor Reedbuck
- 7. Impala
- 8. Grant’s Gazelle
- 9. Sable Antelope
- 10. Roan Antelope 11. Bushbuck
- 12. Greater Kudu
- 13. Lesser Kudu
- 14. Eland
- 15. African Buffalo/ Savannah Buffalo/ Cape Buffalo
- 16. African Hare
- 17. Cane Rat
- 18. Porcupine
- 19. Bush squirrel
- 20. Spring Hare
- 21. Small – spotted Genet
- 22. Large – spotted Genet
- 23. African Palm civet
- 24. Marsh Mongoose
- 25. Dwarf Mongoose
- 26. Large Grey Mongoose
- 27. Aardwolf (Rare)
- 28. Spotted Hyaena
- 29. Cheetah
- 30. Caracal
- 31. African wildcat
- 32. Serval
- 33. Lion
- 34. Leopard
- 35. Ant bear/Aadvark
- 36. Tree Hyrax
- 37. Rock Hyrax
- 38. African Elephant/ Bush Elephant/ Savannah Elephant
- 39. Common zebra/ Plains zebra- Grant’s zebra races
- 40. Common Hippopotamus
- 41. Common Warthog
- 42. Maasai Giraffe
- 43. Rousette Fruit Bat
- 44. Epauletted Fruit Bat
- 45. White-bellied Tomb Bat
- 46. Hollow-faced Bat
- 47. False vampire Bat
- 48. Yellow-winged Bat
- 49. Lesser Leaf-nosed Bat
- 50. Giant Leaf-nosed Bat
- 51. Banana Bat
- 52. Yellow-bellied Bat
- 53. Angola Free-tailed Bat
- 54. White-bellied Free-tailed Bat
- 55. Greater Galago
- 56. Bush Baby
- 57. Black-faced vervet Monkey
- 58. Blue Monkey
- 59. Yellow Baboon
- 60. Hunting Dog
- 61. Black-backed jackal
- 62. Side-striped jackal
- 63. Bat-eared Fox
- 64. Ratel/Honey Badger
- 65. African civet
More than 400 species of birds have been recorded in Ruaha. Its geographical location means that it is visited by both Northern and Southern migrants. Ruaha also has a great variety of resident species due to the diversity of habitats in this transition zone.
- 1. Yellow-throated sandgrouse
- 2. Speckled pigeon
- 3. Olive pigeon
- 4. Red-eyed Dove
- 5. Mourning Dove
- 6. Ring-necked Dove
- 7. Laughing Dove
- 8. Namaqua Dove
- 9. Tambourine Dove
- 10. Emerald-spotted wood Dove
- 11. Delalande’s Green pigeon
- 12. European cuckoo
- 13. African cuckoo
- 14. Red-chested cuckoo
- 15. Black cuckoo
- 16. Levaillant’s cuckoo
- 17. Black and white cuckoo
- 18. Emerald cuckoo
- 19. Didric cuckoo
- 20. Klaas’ cuckoo
- 21. Black coucal
- 22.White-browed coucal
- 23. Livingstone’s Turaco
- 24. Violet-crested Turaco
- 25. Go-away-bird
- 26. Bare-faced go-away-bird
- 27. Brown-necked parrot
- 28. Brown parrot
- 29. Yellow-collared Lovebird
- 30. European Roller
- 31. Racquet-tailed Roller
- 32. Lilac-breasted Roller
- 33. Rufous – crowned Roller
- 34. Broad-billed Roller
- 35. Pied Kingfisher
- 36. Giant Kingfisher
- 37. Half-collared Kingfisher
- 38. Malachite Kingfisher
- 39. Pygmy Kingfisher
- 40. Brown-hooded Kingfisher
- 41. Grey-headed Kingfisher
- 42. Striped Kingfisher
- 43. European Bee eater
- 44. Madagascar Bee eater
- 45. Southern Carmine Bee-eater
- 46. White-throated Bee-eater
- 47. Boehm’s Bee-eater
- 48. Little Bee- eater
- 49. White-fronted Bee-eater
- 50. Swallow-tailed Bee-eater
- 51. Trumpeter Hornbill
- 52. Grey Hornbill
- 53. Red-billed Hornbill
- 54. Crowned Hornbill
- 55. Pale-billed Hornbill
- 56. Ground Hornbill
- 57. African Hoopoe
- 58. Green wood Hoopoe
- 59. Scimitar-bill
- 60. African Marsh owl
- 61. African scops owl
- 62. White-faced scops owl
- 63. Pearl-spotted owlet
- 64. Spotted Eagle owl
- 65. Verreaux’s Eagle owl
- 66. Pel’s Fishing owl
- 67. European Nightjar
- 68. Fiery-necked Nightjar
- 69. Freckled Nightjar
- 70. Plain Nightjar
- 71. Gaboon Nightjar
- 72. Pennant-wing Nightjar
- 73. Blue-naped mousebird
- 74. Red-faced mousebird
- 75. Narina’s Trogon
- 76. Black-collared Barbet
- 77. Black-backed Barbet
- 78. Spotted-flanked Barbet
- 79. Whyte’s Barbet
- 80. Red-fronted Tinkerbird
- 81. Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird
- 82. Golden-rumped Tinkerbird
- 83. Levaillant’s Barbet
- 84. D’Arnaud’s Barbet
- 85. Greater Honey guide
- 86. Lesser Honey guide
- 87. Bennett’s woodpecker
- 88. Little spotted woodpecker
- 89. Golden-tailed woodpecker
- 90. Cardinal woodpecker
- 91. Bearded woodpecker
- 92. Olive woodpecker
- 93. Mottled swift
- 94. Little swift
- 95. White –rumped swift
- 96. Horus swift
- 97. Palm swift
- 98. Boehm’s spinetail
- 99. African Broadbill
- 100. African pitta
- 101. Rufous naped Lark
- 102. Flappet Lark
- 103. Chestnut-backed sparrow Lark
- 104. Fischer’s sparrow Lark
- 105. Red-capped Lark
- 106. African pied wagtail
- 107. Long-billed pipit
- 108. Richard’s pipit
- 109. Yellow-throated Longclaw
- 110. Bronzy sunbird
- 111. Beautiful sunbird (black-billed race)
- 112. Copper sunbird
- 113. Little purple-banded sunbird
- 114. Mariqua sunbird
- 115. Variable sunbird
- 116. Southern Double-collared sunbird
- 117. Amethyst sunbird
- 118. Scarlet-chested sunbird
- 119. Olive sunbird
- 120. Collared sunbird
- 121. Spotted creeper
- 122. White-headed Buffalo weaver
- 123. White-browed sparrow weaver
- 124. Grey-headed sparrow
- 125. Swahili sparrow
- 126. Yellow-throated Petronia
- 127. Layard’s Black-headed weaver
- 128. Masked weaver
- 129. Golden-backed weaver
- 130. Dark-backed weaver
- 131. Spectacled weaver
- 132. Little Grebe
- 133. Long-tailed cormorant
- 134. African Darter
- 135. Great white pelican
- 136. Pink – backed pelican
- 137. Black-headed Heron
- 138. Goliath Heron
- 139. Great white Egret
- 140. Yellow-billed Egret
- 141. Little Egret
- 142. Buff-backed Heron/Cattle Egret
- 143. Green-backed Heron
- 144. Hamerkop
- 145. White stork
- 146. European Black stork
- 147. Woolly-necked stork
- 148. Abdim’s stork
- 149. Open-bill stork
- 150. Saddle-bill stork
- 151. Marabou stork
- 152. Wood Ibis/Yellow-billed stork
- 153. Sacred Ibis
- 154. Hadada Ibis
- 155. African Black Duck
- 156. Red-billed Duck
- 157. Knob-billed
- 158. Egyptian Goose
- 159. Spur-winged Goose
- 160. Secretary Bird
- 161. White – backed vulture
- 162. Hooded vulture
- 163. Lanner
- 164. European Hobby
- 165. Eleonora’s Falcon
- 166. Red – necked Falcon
- 167. European Kestrel
- 168. Lesser Kestrel
- 169. Grey Krestrel
- 170. Dickinson’s Kestrel
- 171. Cuckoo Falcon
- 172. European Black Kite
- 173. African Black Kite
- 174. Black-shouldered Kite
- 175. Bat Hawk
- 176. Tawny Eagle
- 177. Wahlberg’s Eagle
- 178. African Hawk Eagle
- 179. Martial Eagle
- 180. Crowned Hawk Eagle
- 181. Long-crested Eagle
- 182. Lizard Buzzard
- 183. Brown Harrier Eagle
- 184. Black-chested Harrier Eagle
- 185. Southern Banded Harrier Eagle
- 186. Bateleur
- 187. African Fish Eagle
- 188. Palm – nut Vulture
- 189. Little sparrow Hawk
- 190. Ovampo sparrow Hawk
- 191. Great sparrow Hawk
- 192. Shikra
- 193. African Goshawk
- 194. Gabar Goshawk
- 195. Dark chanting Goshawk
- 196. Montagu’s Harrier
- 197. Pallid Harrier
- 198. European Marsh Harrier
- 199. Harrier Hawk
- 200. Coqui Francolin
- 201. Shelley’s Francolin
- 202. Hildebrandt’s Francolin
- 203. Red-necked spurfowl
- 204. Harlequin quail
- 205. Helmeted Guinea-fowl
- 206. Crested Guinea fowl
- 207. Black Crake
- 208. Moorhen
- 209. African finfoot
- 210. Crowned crane
- 211. Jackson’s Bustard
- 212. Black- bellied Bustard
- 213. Spotted stone curlew
- 214. Water Dikkop
- 215. African Jacana
- 216. Kittlitz’s Plover
- 217. Three-banded Plover
- 218. Crowned Plover
- 219. Senegal Plover
- 220. Black smith Plover
- 221. White-headed Plover
- 222. Wattled Plover
- 223. Long-toed Lapwing
- 224. Painted snipe
- 225. African snipe
- 226. Ruff
- 227. Common sandpiper
- 228. Wood sandpiper
- 229. Greenshank
- 230. Temminck’s courser
- 231. Bronze-winged courser
- 232. Pratincole
- 233. African skimmer
- 234. Button quail
- 235. Fulleborn’s Longclaw
- 236. Rosy-breasted longclaw
- 237. Arrow-marked Babbler
- 238. Yellow-vented bulbul
- 239. Fischer’s Greenbull
- 240. Yellow-bellied Greenbul
- 241. European spotted Flycatcher
- 242. Ashy Flycatcher
- 242. Grey Flycatcher
- 243. South African Black Flycatcher
- 244. Boehm’s Flycatcher
- 245. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
- 246. Chin-spot Flycatcher
- 247. Black-throated wattle eye
- 248. Blue Flycatcher
- 249. White-tailed crested Flycatcher
- 250. Paradise Flycatcher
- 251. Kurrichane Thrush
- 252. Ground-scraper Thrush
- 253. Angola Rock Thrush
- 254. European common wheatear
- 255. Capped wheatear
- 256. Red-tailed chat
- 257. Cliff chat
- 258. White-headed Black chat
- 259. Sooty chat
- 260. White-browed Robin chat
- 261. Robin chat
- 262. Morning warbler
- 263. Red-backed scrub Robin
- 264. Black cap warbler
- 265. European sedge warbler
- 266. Lesser swamp warbler
- 267. European willow warbler
- 268. Barred wren warbler
- 269. Fan-tailed warbler
- 270. Red-faced crombec
- 271. Grey Tit warbler
- 272. Yellow-bellied Eremomela
- 273. Green-cap Eremomela
- 274. Grey-backed camaroptera
- 275. Wing-snapping cisticola
- 276. Pectoral-patch cisticola
- 277. Rattling cisticola
- 278. Winding cisticola
- 279. Croaking cisticola
- 280. Tawny-flanked prinia
- 281. African Moustached warbler
- 282. European swallow
- 283. Angola swallow
- 284. Blue swallow
- 285. Wire-tailed swallow
- 286. Red-rumped swallow
- 287. Mosque swallow
- 288. Striped swallow
- 289. Grey-rumped swallow
- 290. European sand Martin
- 291. African sand Martin
- 292. Banded Martin
- 293. African Rock Martin
- 294. Black Rough – wing swallow
- 295. Eastern Rough – wing swallow
- 296. White-headed Rough-wing swallow
- 297. Black cuckoo shrike
- 298. White-breasted cuckoo shrike
- 299. Grey cuckoo shrike
- 300. Drongo
- 301. Square-tailed Drongo
- 302. Straight-crested Helmet shrike
- 303. Retz’s Red billed shrike
- 304. White-crowned shrike
- 305. Black-browed Brubru
- 306. Grey-backed Fiscal
- 307. Lesser Grey shrike
- 308. Uhehe Fiscal
- 309. Souza’s shrike
- 310. Red-backed shrike
- 311. Magpie shrike
- 312. Slate-coloured Boubou
- 313. Tropical Boubou
- 314. Black-backed puff-back
- 315. Black-headed Tchagra
- 316. Brown-headed Tchagra
- 317. Black cap Tchagra
- 318. Sulphur-breasted Bush shrike
- 319. Black-fronted Bush shrike
- 320. Grey-headed Bush shrike
- 321. Nicator
- 322. Grey Tit
- 323. Black Tit
- 324. Cinnamon-breasted Tit
- 325. African Penduline Tit
- 326. European Golden Oriole
- 327. African Golden Oriole
- 328. Black headed Oriole
- 329. Pied crow
- 330. Wattled starling
- 331. White-winged Babbling starling
- 332. Violet-backed starling
- 333. Blue-eared starling
- 334. Lesser Blue-eared starling
- 335. Ruppell’s Long-tailed starling
- 336. Ashy starling
- 337. Red- winged starling
- 338. Superb starling
- 339. Yellow-billed oxpecker
- 340. Red-billed oxpecker
- 341. Yellow white-eye
- 342. Golden weaver
- 343. Holub’s Golden weaver
- 344. Bertram’s weaver
- 345. Grosbeak weaver
- 346. Red-headed weaver
- 347. Red-billed quelea
- 348. Red-headed quelea
- 349. Cardinal quelea
- 350. Red Bishop
- 351. Black-winged Bishop
- 352. Yellow Bishop
- 353. Fan-tailed widow-bird
- 354. Yellow-mantled widow-bird
- 355. White-winged widow-bird
- 356. Red-collared widow-bird
- 357. Bronze Mannikin
- 358. Rufous-backed Mannikin
- 359. Magpie Mannikin
- 360. Grey-headed silverbill
- 361. Quail Finch
- 362. Locust Finch
- 363. Parasitic weaver
- 364. Peters’ Twin – spot
- 365. Green-backed Twin-spot
- 366. Orange-winged pytilia
- 367. Green-winged pytilia
- 368. African Fire Finch
- 369. Jameson’s Fire Finch
- 370. Yellow-bellied waxbill
- 371. Waxbill
- 372. Zebra waxbill
- 373. Fawn-breasted waxbill
- 374. Lavender waxbill
- 375. Southern Cordon – bleu
- 376. Red-cheeked cordon-bleu
- 377. Purple Grenadier
- 378. Indigo-bird
- 379. Pin tailed whydah
- 380. Paradise whydah
- 381. Broad-tailed Paradise whydah
- 382. Yellow-fronted canary
- 383. Brimstone canary
- 384. Streaky-headed seed-eater
- 385. Three-streaked Bunting
- 386. Golden-breasted Bunting
- 387. Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting