- 1. Spectacled Elephant Shrew
- 2. Rousette Fruit Bat
- 3. Epauletted Fruit Bat
- 4. Pale - Bellied Fruit Bat
- 5. Mouse - Tailed Bat
- 6. White - Bellied Tomb Bat
- 7. Hollow - Faced Bat
- 8. False Vampire Bat
- 9. Yellow - Winged Bat
- 10. Lander’s Horseshoe Bat
- 11. Lesser Leaf - Nosed Bat
- 12. Yellow - Bellied Bat
- 13. Angola Free - Tailed Bat
- 14. Flat - Headed Free Tailed Bat
- 15. Bush Baby
- 16. Black - Faced Vervet Monkey
- 17. Patas Monkey
- 18. Olive Baboon
- 19. Black - Backed Jackal
- 20. Side - Striped Jackal
- 21. Bat - Eared Fox
- 22. Small - Spotted Genet
- 23. Large - Spotted Genet
- 24. Percival’s Dwarf Mongoose
- 25. Large Grey Mongoose
- 26. White - Tailed Mongoose
- 27. Banded Mongoose
- 28. Aardwolf
- 29. Spotted Hyaena
- 30. Striped hyaena
- 31. Cheetah
- 32. Caracal
- 33. African Wildcat
- 34. Lion
- 35. Leopard
- 36. Ant Bear
- 37. Tree Hyrax
- 38. Rock Hyrax
- 39. African Elephant
- 40. Common Zebra
- 41. Warthog
- 42. Rothschild’s Giraffe
- 43. Jackson’s Hartebeest
- 44. Bush Duiker
- 45. Klipspringer
- 46. Oribi
- 47. Kirk’s Dik - dik
- 48. Defassa Waterbuck
- 49. Bohor Reedbuck
- 50. Chanler’s Reedbuck
- 51. Bright’s Gazelle
- 52. Roan Antelope
- 53. Bushbuck
- 54. Greater Kudu
- 55. Lesser kudu
- 56. Eland
- 57. African Buffalo
- 58. African Hare
- 59. Porcupine
- 60. Unstriped Ground Squirrel
- 61. Bush Squirrel
- 62. African Dormouse
480 species of birds, known to occur at Kidepo Valley National Park.
- 1. Ostrich
- 2. Long - Tailed Cormorant
- 3. Black - Headed Heron
- 4. Buff - Backed Heron or Cattle Egret
- 5. Green - Backed Heron
- 6. Hamerkop
- 7. White Stork
- 8. Abdim’s Stork
- 9. Open - Bill Stork
- 10. Saddle - Bill Stork
- 11. Marabou Stork
- 12. Sacred Ibis
- 13. Knob - Blled Duck
- 14. Secretary Bird
- 15. Ruppell's Vulture
- 16. White - Backed Vulture
- 17. Nubian or Lappet - Faced Vulture
- 18. White - Headed Vulture
- 19. Egyptian Vulture
- 20. Hooded Vulture
- 21. Peregrine
- 22. Lanner
- 23. Taita Falcon (not yet recorded but probably occurs)
- 24. European Hobby
- 25. Saker (sight records but not yet corofirmed)
- 26. Red - Necked Falcon
- 27. European Kestrel
- 28. African Kestrel
- 29. Fox Kestrel
- 30. Lesser Kestrel
- 31. Grey Kestrel
- 32. Pygmy Falcon
- 33. Swallow - Tailed Kite (not yet recorded but certain to occur)
- 34. European Black Kite
- 35. African Black Kite
- 36. Black - Shouldered Kite
- 37. Verreaux’s Eagle
- 38. Steppe Eagle
- 39. Tawny Eagle
- 40. Wahlberg’s Eagle
- 41. African Hawk Eagle
- 42. Booted Eagle
- 43. Martial Eagle
- 44. Long - Crested Eagle
- 45. Lizard Buzzard
- 46. Brown Harrier Eagle
- 47. Grass Hopper Buzzard
- 48. Bateleur
- 49. Palm - Nut Vulture
- 50. Lammergeyer (not yet recorded but probably occurs)
- 51. Steppe Buzzard
- 52. Long - Legged Buzzard (sight record but not yet confirmed)
- 53. Augur Buzzard
- 54. Little Sparrow Hawk
- 55. Shikra
- 56. Gabar Goshawk
- 57. Pale Chanting Goshawk
- 58. Dark Chanting Goshawk
- 59. Montagu’s Harrier
- 60. Pallid Harrier
- 61. European Marsh Harrier
- 62. Harrier Hawk
- 63. Crested Francolin
- 64. Shelley’s (Grey Wing) Francolin
- 65. Heuglin’s Francolin
- 66. Yellow - Necked Spurfowl
- 67. Harlequin Quail
- 68. Blue Quail
- 69. Stone Partridge
- 70. Helmeted Guinea - Fowl
- 71. Black Crake
- 72. Kori Bustard
- 73. Jackson’s Bustard
- 74. White - Bellied Bustard
- 75. Black - Bellied Bustard
- 76. Hartlaub’s Bustard
- 77. Spotted Stone Curlew
- 78. African Jacana
- 79. Ringed Plover
- 80. Kittlitz’s Plover
- 81. Caspian Plover
- 82. Spurwing Plover
- 83. Wattled Plover
- 84. Blackhead Plover
- 85. Green Sandpiper
- 86. Temminck’s Courser
- 87. Bronze - Winged Courser
- 88. Button Quail
- 89. Four - Banded Sandgrouse
- 90. Speckled Pigeon
- 91. Red - Eyed Dove
- 92. Mourning Dove
- 93. Ring - Necked Dove
- 94. Vinaceous Dove
- 95. Laughing Dove
- 96. Namaqua Dove
- 97. Black - Billed Wood Dove
- 98. Bruce’s Green Pigeon
- 99. European Cuckoo
- 100. African Cuckoo
- 101. Red - Chested Cuckoo
- 102. Black Cuckoo
- 103. Great Spotted Cuckoo
- 104. Black and White Cuckoo
- 105. Levaillant’s Cuckoo
- 106. Didric Cuckoo
- 107. White - Browed Coucal
- 108. White - Crested Turaco
- 109. White - Bellied Go-Away- Bird
- 110. Brown Parrot
- 111. Rose - Ringed Parrakeet
- 112. European Roller
- 113. Abyssinian Roller
- 114. Rufous - Crowned Roller
- 115. Broad - Billed Roller
- 116. Grey - Headed Kingfisher
- 117. Striped Kingfisher
- 118. Little Bee - Eater
- 119. Swallow - Tailed Bee - Eater
- 120. Grey Hornbill
- 121. Red - Billed Hornbill
- 122. Jackson's Hornbill
- 123. Abyssinian Ground Hornbill
- 124. European Hoopoe
- 125. Senegal Hoopoe
- 126. Green Wood Hoopoe
- 127. Abyssinian Scimitar - Bill
- 128. African Scops Owl
- 129. White - Faced Scops Owl
- 130. Pearl - Spotted Owlet
- 131. Spotted eagle owl
- 132. Verreaux’s Eagle Owl
- 133. European Nightjar
- 134. Freckled Nightjar
- 135. Plain Nighjar
- 136. Standard - Wing Nightjar
- 137. Long - Tailed Nightjar
- 138. Speckled Mousebird
- 139. Blue - naped Mousebird
- 140. Double - Toothed Barbet
- 141. Black - Billed Barbet
- 142. Spotted - Flanked Barbet
- 143. D’Arnaud’s Barbet
- 144. Greater Honey Guide
- 145. Nubian Woodpecker
- 146. Cardinal Woodpecker
- 147. Bearded Woodpecker
- 148. Nyanza Swift
- 149. Scarce Swift
- 150. Mottled Swift
- 151. Palm Swift
- 152. Flappet Lark
- 153. Redwing Bushlark
- 154. African Pied Wagtail
- 155. Richard’s Pipit
- 156. Yellow - Throated Longclaw
- 157. Rufous Chatterer
- 158. Yellow - Vented Bulbul
- 159. Dusky Flycatcher
- 160. Little Grey Flycatcher
- 161. Silver bird
- 162. Paradise Flycatcher
- 163. Olive Thrush
- 164. European Rock Thrush
- 165. European Common Wheat ear
- 166. Isabelline Wheat ear
- 167. Pied wheat ear
- 168. Cliff Chat
- 169. Sooty Chat
- 170. Spotted Morning Warbler
- 171. Barred Warbler
- 172. European Willow Warbler
- 173. Grey Wren Warbler
- 174. Fan - Tailed Warbler
- 175. Black - Breasted Apalis
- 176. Grey - Capped Warbler
- 177. Buff - Bellied Warbler
- 178. Crombec
- 179. Yellow - Bellied Eremomela
- 180. Grey - Backed Camaroptera
- 181. Rattling Cisticola
- 182. Foxy Cisticola
- 183. Winding Cisticola
- 184. Croaking Cisticola
- 185. Tawny - Flanked Prinia
- 186. European Swallow
- 187. European Sand Martin
- 188. Banded Martin
- 189. African Rock Martin
- 190. White - Headed Rough - Wing Swallow
- 191. Black Cuckoo Shrike
- 192. Drongo
- 193. Curly - Crested Helmet Shrike
- 194. White - Crowned Shrike
- 195. Northern Brubru
- 196. Red - Backed Shrike
- 197. Red - Tailed Shrike
- 198. Black - Headed Bush Shrike
- 199. Sulphur - Breasted Bush Shrike
- 200. Grey - Headed Bush Shrike
- 201. White - Breasted Tit
- 202. Mouse - Coloured Penduline Tit
- 203. African Golden Oriole
- 204. Fan - Tailed Raven
- 205. Piapiac
- 206. Wattled Starling
- 207. Violet - Backed Starling
- 208. Blue - Eared Glossy Starling
- 209. Bronze - Tail Starling
- 210. Lesser Blue - Eared Starling
- 211. Ruppell’s long - Tailed Starling
- 212. Superb Starling
- 213. Yellow - Billed Oxpecker
- 214. Beautiful Sunbird
- 215. Pygmy Sunbird
- 216. Copper Sunbird
- 217. Mariqua Sunbird
- 218. Scarlet - Chested Sunbird
- 219. White - Headed Buffalo Weaver
- 220. White - Browed Sparrow Weaver
- 221. Chestnut - Crowned Sparrow Weaver
- 222. Grey - Headed Social Weaver
- 223. Grey - Headed Sparrow
- 224. Yellow - Spotted Petronia
- 225. Speckle - Fronted Weaver
- 226. Northern Masked Weaver.
- • 227. Masked Weaver• 228. Chestnut Weaver• 229. Black - Necked Weaver• 230. Spectacled Weaver• 231. Red - Headed Weaver• 232. Red - Billed Quelea• 233. Cardinal Quelea• 234. Red Bishop• 235. Yellow Bishop
• 236. Black - Winged Bishop
• 237. White - Winged Widow - Bird
• 238. Bronze Mannikin
• 239. Silverbill
• 240. Cut - Throat
• 241. Green - Winged Pytilia
• 242. Red - Billed Fire Finch
• 243. Crimson - Rumped Waxbill
• 244. Red - Cheeked Cordon - Bleu
• 245. Purple Grenadier
• 246. Pin - Tailed Whydah
• 247. Paradise whydah
• 248. Yellow - Fronted Canary
• 249. White - Bellied Canary
• 250. Yellow - Rumped Seed - Eater
• 251. Golden - Breasted Bunting
• 252. Cinnamon - Breasted Rock Bunting
- 1. Otter Shrew (May occur in streams in Mara Magambo Forest)
- 2. Straw - Coloured Fruit Bat
- 3. Rousette Bat
- 4. Epauletted Fruit Bat
- 5. Pale - Bellied Fruit Bat
- 6. Hammer - Headed Fruit Bat
- 7. White - Bellied Tomb Bat
- 8. Hollow - Faced Bat
- 9. Yellow - Winged Bat
- 10. Larder’s Horse Shoe Bat
- 11. Lesser Leaf - Nosed Bat
- 12. Banana Bat
- 13. Yellow - Bellied Bat
- 14. Angola Free - Tailed Bat
- 15. White - Bellied Free - Tailed Bat
- 16. Potto
- 17. Bush Baby
- 18. Demidoff’s Galago
- 19. Black - Faced Vervet Monkey
- 20. Blue Monkey
- 21. Red - Tailed Monkey
- 22. Olive Baboon
- 23. Black and White Colobus
- 24. Red Colobus
- 25. Chimpanzee
- 26. Lesser Ground Pangolin
- 27. Side - Striped Jackal
- 28. Zorilla
- 29. African Striped Weasel
- 30. Ratel / Honey Badger
- 31. Spotted - Necked Otter
- 32. African Civet
- 33. Large - Spotted Genet
- 34. African Palm Civet
- 35. Marsh Mongoose
- 36. Large Grey Mongoose
- 37. Black - Tipped Mongoose
- 38. White - Tailed Mongoose
- 39. Banded Mongoose
- 40. Spotted Hyaena
- 41. African Wildcat
- 42. Serval
- 43. Golden Cat (not yet recorded but may occur)
- 44. Lion
- 45. Leopard
- 46. Ant Bear
- 47. Rock Hyrax
- 48. African Elephant
- 49. Hippopotamus
- 50. Giant Forest Hog
- 51. Warthog
- 52. Bush Pig
- 53. Topi
- 54. Red Duiker
- 55. Yellow - Backed Duiker
- 56. Blue Duiker
- 57. Bush Duiker
- 58. Uganda Kob/ Thomas Kob
- 59. Defassa Waterbuck
- 60. Bohor Reedbuck
- 61. Bushbuck
- 62. African Buffalo
- 63. African Hare
- 64. Cane Rat
- 65. Porcupine
- 66. Striped Ground Squirrel
- 67. Bush Squirrel
- 68. Giant Forest Squirrel
- 69. Scaly - Tailed Flying Squirrel
- 70. African Dormouse
- 71. Giant Rat
Some 543 species of birds have been recorded in Queen Elizabeth National Park.
- 1. Little Grebe
- 2. White - Necked Cormorant
- 3. Long - Tailed Cormorant
- 4. African Darter
- 5. White Pelican
- 6. Pink - Backed Pelican
- 7. Grey Heron
- 8. Black - Headed Heron
- 9. Goliath Heron
- 10. Purple Heron
- 11. Great White Egret
- 12. Yellow - Billed Egret
- 13. Black Heron
- 14. Little Egret
- 15. Buff - Backed Heron or Cattle Egret
- 16. Squacco Heron
- 17. Madagascar Squacco Heron
- 18. Green - Backed Heron
- 19. Rufous - Bellied Heron
- 20. Night Heron
- 21. Little Bittern
- 22. Dwarf Bittern.
- 23. Hamerkop
- 24. Whale - Headed Stork
- 25. White Stork
- 26. European Black Stork
- 27. Woolly - Necked Stork
- 28. Abdim’s Stork
- 29. Open - Bill Stork
- 30. Saddle - Bill Stork
- 31. Marabou Stork
- 32. Wood Ibis or Yellow - Billed Stork
- 33. Sacred Ibis
- 34. Hadada Ibis
- 35. Glossy Ibis
- 36. African Spoonbill
- 37. Greater Flamingo
- 38. Lesser Famingo
- 39. White - Eyed Pochard
- 40. White - Backed Duck
- 41. African Pochard
- 42. European Shoveler
- 43. Garganey Teal
- 44. Hottentol Teal
- 45. Red - Billed Duck
- 46. European Teal
- 47. White - Faced Tree Duck
- 48. Fulvous Tree Duck
- 49. Pygmy Goose
- 50. Knob - Billed Duck
- 51. Egyptian Goose
- 52. Spur - Winged Goose
- 53. Ruppell’s Vulture
- 54. White - Backed Vulture
- 55. Nubian or Lappet - Faced Vulture
- 56. White - Headed Vulture
- 57. Hooded Vulture
- 58. Peregrine
- 59. Lanner
- 60. European Hobby
- 61. African Hobby
- 62. Sooty Falcon
- 63. European Kestrel
- 64. Grey Kestrel
- 65. Cuckoo Falcon
- 66. African Black Kite
- 67. Black - Shouldered Kite
- 68. Honey Buzzard
- 69. Steppe Eagle
- 70. Tawny Eagle
- 71. Wahlberg’s Eagle
- 72. Ayres' Hawk Eagle
- 73. Martial Eagle
- 74. Crowned Hawk Eagle
- 75. Long - Crested Eagle
- 76. Lizard Buzzard
- 77. Brown Harrier Eagle
- 78. Black - Chested Harrier Eagle
- 79. Beaudouin’s Harrier Eagle
- 80. Grasshopper Buzzard
- 81. Bateleur
- 82. African Fish Eagle
- 83. Palm - nut Vulture
- 84. Steppe Buzzard
- 85. Mountain Buzzard
- 86. Augur Buzzard
- 87. Little Sparrow Hawk
- 88. Great Sparrow Hawk
- 89. Shikra
- 90. Gabar Goshawk
- 91. Montagu’s Harrier
- 92. Pallid Harrier
- 93. European marsh harrier
- 94. African Marsh Harrier
- 95. Harrier Hawk
- 96. Osprey
- 97. Coqui Francolin
- 98. Red - Wing Francolin
- 99. Scaly Francolin
- 100. Red - Necked Spurfowl
- 101. Cape Quail
- 102. Harlequin Quail
- 103. Blue Quail
- 104. Helmeted Guinea - Fowl
- 105. Crested Guinea - Fowl
- 106. African Crake
- 107. Black Crake
- 108. Striped Crake
- 109. White - Spotted Pygmy Crake
- 110. Moorhen
- 111. Crowned Crane
- 112. Black - Bellied Bustard
- 113. Water Dikkop
- 114. African Jacana
- 115. Ringed Plover
- 116. Little Ringed Plover
- 117. White - Fronted Sandplover
- 118. Kittlitz’s Plover
- 119. Three - Banded Plover
- 120. Caspian Plover
- 121. Grey Plover
- 122. Crowned Plover
- 123. Senegal Plover
- 124. Spur wing Plover
- 125. Brown - Chested Wattled Plover
- 126. Wattled Plover
- 127. Long - Toed Lapwing
- 128. European Oystercatcher
- 129. Avocet
- 130. Black - Winged Stilt
- 131. Painted Snipe
- 132. European Common Snipe
- 133. African Snipe
- 134. Curlew Sandpiper
- 135. Little Stint
- 136. Temminck’s Stint
- 137. Sanderling
- 138. Ruff
- 139. Turnstone
- 140. Terek Sandpiper
- 141. Common Sandpiper
- 142. Green Sandpiper
- 143. Wood Sandpiper
- 144. Redshank
- 145. Spotted Redshank
- 146. Marsh Sandpiper
- 147. Greenshank
- 148. Black - Tailed Godwit
- 149. Bar - Tailed Godwit
- 150. Curlew
- 151. Whimbrel
- 152. Temminck’s Courser
- 153. Bronze - Winged Courser
- 154. Pratincole
- 155. Lesser Black - Backed Gull
- 156. Grey - Headed Gull
- 157. Gull - Billed Tern
- 158. Caspian Tern
- 159. White - Winged Black Tern
- 160. Whiskered Tern
- 161. African Skimmer
- 162. Button Quail
- 163. Black - Rumped Button Quail
- 164. Olive Pigeon
- 165. Afep Pigeon
- 166. Red - Eyed Dove
- 167. Ring - Necked Dove
- 168. Laughing Dove
- 169. Namaqua Dove
- 170. Tambourine Dove
- 171. Blue - Spotted Wood Dove
- 172. Western Lemon Dove
- 173. Green Pigeon
- 174. European Cuckoo
- 175. African Cuckoo
- 176. Red - Chested Cuckoo
- 177. Black Cuckoo
- 178. Levaillant’s Cuckoo
- 179. Black and White Cuckoo
- 180. Emerald Cuckoo
- 181. Didric Cuckoo
- 182. Klaas' Cuckoo
- 183. Black Coucal
- 184. Blue - Headed Coucal
- 185. Senegal Coucal
- 186. White - Browed Coucal
- 187. Yellow - Bill or Green Coucal
- 188. Black - Billed Turaco
- 189. Ross’ Turaco
- 190. Great Blue Turaco
- 191. Eastern Grey Plantain - Eater
- 192. Grey Parrot
- 193. Brown Parrot
- 194. Red - Headed Love Bird
- 195. European Roller
- 196. Broad - Billed Roller
- 197. Blue - Throated Roller
- 198. Pied Kingfisher
- 199. Giant Kingfisher
- 200. Shining - Blue Kingfisher
- 201. Malachite Kingfisher
- 202. Pygmy Kingfisher
- 203. Dwarf Kingfisher
- 204. Woodland Kingfisher
- 205. Blue - Breasted Kingfisher
- 206. Grey - Headed Kingfisher
- 207. Chocolate - Backed Kingfisher
- 208. Striped Kingfisher
- 209. European Bee - Eater
- 210. Madagascar Bee - Eater
- 211. Blue - Cheeked Bee - Eater
- 212. White - Throated Bee - Eater
- 212. Little Bee - Eater
- 213. Cinnamon - Chested Bee - Eater
- 214. Black Bee - Eater
- 215. Blue - Breasted Bee - Eater
- 216. Black and White - Casqued Horn - Bill
- 217. Grey Hornbill
- 218. Crowned Hornbill
- 219. African Hoopoe
- 220. Green Wood Hoopoe
- 221. Scimitar - Bill
- 222. African Barn Owl
- 223. African Marsh Owl
- 224. African Wood Owl
- 225. Pearl - Spotted Owlet
- 226. Spotted Eagle Owl
- 227. Verreaux’s Eagle Owl
- 228. European Nightjar
- 229. White - Tailed Nightjar
- 230. Gaboon Nightjar
- 231. Pennant - Wing Nightjar
- 232. Long - Tailed Nightjar
- 233. Speckled Mousebird
- 234. Blue - Naped Mousebird
- 235. Narina’s Trogon
- 236. Double - Toothed Barbet
- 237. White - Headed Barbet
- 238. Hairy - Breasted Barbet
- 239. Spotted - Flanked Barbet
- 240. Grey - Throated Barbet
- 241. Yellow - Fronted Tinkerbird
- 242. Lemon Rumped Tinkerbird
- 243. Yellow - Throated Tinkerbird
- 244. Speckled Tinkerbird
- 245. Yellow - Billed Barbet
- 246. Greater Honey Guide
- 247. Lesser Honey Guide
- 248. Scaly - Throated Honey Guide
- 249. Thick - Billed Honey Guide
- 250. Cassin’s Honey Guide
- 251. Brown - Eared Woodpecker
- 251. Buff - Spotted Woodpecker
- 252. Little Spotted Woodpecker
- 253. Cardinal Woodpecker
- 254. Uganda Spotted Woodpecker
- 255. Grey Woodpecker
- 256. Yellow - Crested Woodpecker
- 257. Red - Breasted Wryneck
- 258. Alpine Swift
- 259. Little Swift
- 260. White - Rumped Swift
- 261. Palm Swift
- 262. Mottled - Throated Spinetail
- 263. African Broadbill
- 264. African Pitta
- 265. Green - Breasted Pitta
- 266. Singing Bushlark
- 267. Rufous - Naped Lark
- 268. Flappet Lark
- 269. Red - Capped Lark
- 270. European White Wagtail
- 271. African Pied Wagtail
- 272. Blue - Headed Wagtail and races
- 273. Plain - Backed Pipit
- 274. Richard’s Pipit
- 275. Short - Tailed Pipit
- 276. Yellow - Throated Longclaw
- 277. Arrow - Marked Babbler
- 278. Black - Lored Babbler
- 279. Yellow - Vented Bulbul
- 280. Red - Tailed Greenbull
- 281. Bristle - Bill
- 282. Fischer’s Greenbull
- 283. Joyful Greenbull
- 284. Yellow - Whiskered Greenbull
- 285. European Spotted Flycatcher
- 286. Dusky Flycatcher
- 287. Swamp Flycatcher
- 288. Ashy Flycatcher
- 289. Pale Flycatcher
- 290. Black Flycatcher
- 291. Black and White Flycatcher
- 292. Yellow - Bellied Flycatcher
- 293. Chin - Spot Flycatcher
- 294. Wattle - Eye Flycatcher
- 295. Chestnut Wattle - Eye
- 296. Jameson’s Wattle - Eye
- 297. Blue Flycatcher
- 298. Dusky Crested Flycatcher
- 299. Paradise Flycatcher
- 300. Black - Headed Paradise Flycatcher
- 301. Kurrichane Thrush
- 302. African Thrush
- 303. European Common Wheatear
- 304. Sooty Chat
- 305. Stone Chat
- 306. European Whinchat
- 307. White - Browed Robin Chat
- 308. Blue - Shouldered Robin Chat
- 309. Red - Capped Robin Chat
- 310. Snowy - Headed Robin Chat
- 311. Equatorial Akalat
- 312. Forest Robin
- 313. Fire - Crested Alethe
- 314. Brown - Chested Alethe
- 315. Red - Backed Scrub Robin
- 316. Garden Warbler
- 317. Blackcap Warbler
- 318. European Sedge Warbler
- 319. Greater Swamp Warbler
- 320. European Willow Warbler
- 321. Uganda Woodland Warbler
- 322. Fan - Tailed Warbler
- 323. Black - Backed Apalis
- 324. Black - Collared Apalis
- 325. Green - Tailed Apalis
- 326. Black - Throated Apalis
- 327. Grey - Capped Warbler
- 328. Buff - Bellied Warbler
- 329. Green Crombec
- 330. White - Browed Crombec
- 331. Grey Tit - Warbler
- 332. Green - Cap Eremomela
- 333. Grey - Backed Camaroptera
- 334. Wing - Snapping Cisticola
- 335. Rattling Cisticola
- 336. Winding Cisticola
- 337. Croaking Cisticola
- 338. Tawny - Flanked Prinia
- 339. White - Chinned Prinia
- 340. African Moustached Warbler
- 341. European Swallow
- 342. Angola Swallow
- 343. Ethiopian Swallow
- 344. Wire - Tailed Swallow
- 345. Red - Rumped Swallow
- 346. Mosque Swallow
- 347. Rufous - Chested Swallow
- 348. Striped Swallow
- 349. Grey - Rumped Swallow
- 350. European Sand Martin
- 351. African Sand Martin
- 352. Banded Martin
- 353. African Rock Martin
- 354. Black Rough - Wing Swallow
- 355. Red - Shouldered Cuckoo Shrike
- 356. Velvet - Mantled Drongo
- 357. Drongo
- 358. Square - Tailed Drongo
- 359. Grey - Backed Fiscal
- 360. Lesser Grey Shrike
- 361. Fiscal Shrike
- 362. Red - Backed Shrike
- 363. Red - Tailed Shrike
- 364. Black - Headed Gonolek
- 365. Tropical Boubou
- 366. Puff - Back Shrike
- 367. Pink - Footed Puff - Back Shrike
- 368. Black - Headed Tchagra
- 369. Brown - Headed Tchagra
- 370. Grey - Green Bush Shrike
- 371. Nicator
- 372. Dusky Tit
- 373. Black - Headed Oriole
- 374. Western Black - Headed Oriole
- 375. Pied Crow
- 376. White - Naped Raven
- 377. Piapiac
- 378. Wattled Starling
- 379. Violet - Backed Starling
- 380. Blue - Eared Glossy Starling
- 381. Splendid Glossy Starling
- 382. Purple - Headed Glossy Starling
- 383. Ruppell’s Long - Tailed Starling
- 384. Stuhlmann’s Starling
- 385. Yellow - Billed Oxpecker
- 386. Yellow White - Eye
- 387. Bronzy Sunbird
- 388. Red - Chested Sunbird
- 389. Beautiful Sunbird
- 390. Superb Sunbird
- 391. Copper Sunbird
- 392. Little Purple - Banded Sunbird
- 393. Variable Sunbird
- 394. Orange - Tufted Sunbird
- 395. Olive - Bellied Sunbird
- 396. Green - Throated Sunbird
- 397. Scarlet - Chested Sunbird
- 398. Green - Headed Sunbird
- 399. Blue - Throated Brown Sunbird
- 400. Olive Sunbird
- 401. Collared Sunbird
- 402. Grey - Chinned Sunbird
- 403. Violet - Backed Sunbird
- 404. Little Green Sunbird
- 405. Grey - Headed Sunbird
- 406. Green Hylia
- 407. Grey - Headed Sparrow
- 408. Black - Headed Weaver
- 409. Masked Weaver
- 410. Little Weaver
- 411. Yellow - Collared Weaver
- 412. Golden - Backed Weaver
- 413. Northern Brown - Throated Weaver
- 414. Orange Weaver
- 415. Dark - Backed Weaver
- 416. Black - Necked Weaver
- 417. Spectacled Weaver
- 418. Holub’s Golden Weaver
- 419. Slender - Billed Weaver
- 420. Vieilot’s Black Weaver
- 421. Stuhlmann’s Weaver
- 422. Compact Weaver
- 423. Brown - Capped Weaver
- 424. Yellow - Mantled Weaver
- 425. Crested Malimbe
- 426. Red - Headed Malimbe
- 427. Grosbeak Weaver
- 428. Red - Headed Weaver
- 429. Red - Billed Quelea
- 430. Red - Headed Quelea
- 431. Cardinal Quelea
- 432. Red Bishop
- 433. Black - Winged Bishop
- 434. Yellow Bishop
- 435. Fan - Tailed Widow - bird
- 436. Yellow - Shouldered Widow - bird
- 437. Yellow - Mantled Widow - bird
- 438. White - Winged Widow - bird
- 439. Red - Collared Widow - bird
- 440. Bronze Mannikin
- 441. Black and White Mannikin
- 442. Grey - Headed Negro Finch
- 443. Chestnut - Breasted Negro Finch
- 444. Red - Headed Blue - Bill
- 445. Black - Bellied Seed - Cracker
- 446. Quail Finch
- 447. Parasitic Weaver
- 448. Green - Backed Twin - Spot
- 449. Green - Winged Pytilia
- 450. African Fire Finch
- 451. Red - Billed Fire Finch
- 452. Waxbill
- 453. Zebra Waxbill
- 454. Fawn - Breasted Waxbill
- 455. Black - Crowned Waxbill
- 456. Red - Cheeked Cordon - Bleu
- 457. Indigo - bird
- 458. Pin - Tailed Whydah
- 459. Yellow - Fronted Canary
- 460. Brimstone Canary
- 461. Yellow - Rumped Seed - Eater
- 462. Golden - Breasted Bunting
- 463. Cinnamon - Breasted (Rock Bunting)
- 1. East African Hedgehog
- 2. Giant White - Toothed Shrew
- 3. Rousette Fruit Bat
- 4. Epauletted Fruit Bat
- 5. Pale - Bellied Fruit Bat
- 6. White - Bellied Tomb Bat
- 7. Hollow - Faced Bat
- 8. False Vampire Bat
- 9. Yellow - Winged Bat
- 10. Lander’s Horseshoe Bat
- 11. Lesser Leaf - Nosed Bat
- 12. Banana Bat
- 13. Yellow - Bellied Bat
- 14. White - Bellied Free - Tailed Bat
- 15. Angola Free - Tailed Bat
- 16. Black - Faced Vervet Monkey
- 17. Red - Tailed Monkey
- 18. Patas Monkey
- 19. Olive Baboon
- 20. Black and White Colobus
- 21. Chimpanzee
- 22. Lesser Ground Pangolin
- 23. Black - Backed Jackal
- 24. Zorilla
- 25. Ratel
- 26. Spotted - Necked Otter
- 27. African Civet
- 28. Large - Spotted Genet
- 29. Marsh Mongoose
- 30. Large Grey Mongoose
- 31. Black - Tipped Mongoose
- 32. White - Tailed Mongoose
- 33. Banded Mongoose
- 34. Spotted Hyaena
- 35. African Wildcat
- 36. Serval
- 37. Lion
- 38. Leopard
- 39. Ant Bear
- 40. African Elephant
- 41. Hippopotamus
- 42. Warthog
- 43. Bush pig
- 44. Rothschild’s Giraffe
- 45. Jackson’s Hartebeest
- 46. Harvey’s Red Duiker
- 47. Blue Duiker
- 48. Bush Duiker
- 49. Oribi
- 50. Uganda Kob/Thomas Kob
- 51. Defassa Waterbuck
- 52. Bohor Reedbuck
- 53. African Buffalo
- 54. African Hare
- 55. Bunyoro Rabbit
- 56. Cane Rat
- 57. Porcupine
- 58. Striped Ground Squirrel
- 59. Bush Squirrel
- 60. African Dormouse
- 61. Giant Rat
The park contains 423 species of birds.
- 1. Little Grebe
- 2. White Necked Cormorant
- 3. Long - Tailed Cormorant
- 4. African Darter
- 5. White Pelican
- 6. Pink - Backed Pelican
- 7. Grey Heron
- 8. Black - Headed Heron
- 9. Goliath Heron
- 10. Purple Heron
- 11. Great White Egret
- 12. Little Egret
- 13. Buff - Backed Heron or Cattle Egret
- 14. Squacco Heron
- 15. Night Heron
- 16. Little Bittern
- 17. Dwarf Bittern
- 18. Hamerkop
- 19. Whale - Headed Stork
- 20. White Stork
- 21. Woolly - Necked Stork
- 22. Abdim’s Stork
- 23. Open - Bill Stork
- 24. Saddle - Bill Stork
- 25. Marabou Stork
- 26. Wood Ibis or Yellow - Billed Stork
- 27. Sacred Ibis
- 28. Hadada Ibis
- 29. Glossy Ibis
- 30. African Spoonbill
- 31. Lesser Flamingo
- 32. European Shoveler
- 33. Garganey Teal
- 34. Red - Billed Duck
- 35. European Pintail
- 36. White - Faced Tree Duck
- 37. Fulvous Tree Duck
- 38. Pygmy Goose
- 39. Knob - Billed Duck
- 40. Egyptian Goose
- 41. Spur - Winged Goose
- 42. Secretary Bird
- 43. Ruppell’s Vulture
- 44. White - Backed Vulture
- 45. Nubian or Lappet - Faced Vulture
- 46. White - Headed Vulture
- 47. Hooded Vulture
- 48. Peregrine
- 49. Lanner
- 50. European Hobby
- 51. African Hobby
- 52. Sooty Falcon
- 53. Red - Necked Falcon
- 54. European Kestrel
- 55. Lesser Kestrel
- 56. Grey Kestrel
- 57. European Black Kite
- 58. African Black Kite
- 59. Black - Shouldered Kite
- 60. Bat Hawk
- 61. Steppe Eagle
- 62. Tawny Eagle
- 63. Wahlberg’s Eagle
- 64. African Hawk Eagle
- 65. Martial Eagle
- 66. Long - Crested Eagle
- 67. Lizard Buzzard
- 68. Brown Harrier Eagle
- 69. Black - Chested Harrier Eagle
- 70. Banded Harrier Eagle
- 71. Grasshopper Buzzard
- 72. Bateleur
- 73. African Fish Eagle
- 74. Palm - nut Vulture
- 75. Augur Buzzard
- 76. Little Sparrow Hawk
- 77. Shikra
- 78. Gabar Goshawk
- 79. Pale Chanting Goshawk
- 80. Dark Chanting Goshawk
- 81. Montagu’s Harrier
- 82. Pallid Harrier
- 83. European Marsh Harrier
- 84. African Marsh Harrier
- 85. Harrier Hawk
- 86. Osprey
- 87. Crested Francolin
- 88. Heuglin’s Francolin
- 89. Cape Quail
- 90. Harlequin Quail
- 91. Blue Quail
- 92. Helmeted Guinea Fowl
- 93. African Crake
- 94. Black Crake
- 95. Allen’s Gallinule
- 96. African Finfoot
- 97. Crowned Crane
- 98. Sudan Crowned Crane
- 99. Jackson’s Bustard
- 100. Black - Bellied Bustard
- 101. European Stone Curlew
- 102. Senegal Stone Curlew
- 103. Spotted Stone Curlew
- 104. Water Dikkop
- 105. African Jacana
- 106. Ringed Plover
- 107. Little Ringed Plover
- 108. White - Fronted Sandplover
- 109. Kittlitz’s Plover
- 110. Caspian Plover
- 111. Senegal Plover
- 112. Spur Wing Plover
- 113. White - Headed Plover (Rare)
- 114. Wattled Plover
- 115. Blackhead Plover
- 116. Long - Toed Lapwing
- 117. Black - Winged Stilt
- 118. Painted Snipe
- 119. European Common Snipe
- 120. African Snipe
- 121. Curlew Sandpiper
- 122. Little Stint
- 123. Ruff
- 124. Common Sandpiper
- 125. Green Sandpiper
- 126. Wood Sandpiper
- 127. Spotted Redshank
- 128. Marsh Sandpiper
- 129. Greenshank
- 130. Black - Tailed Godwit
- 131. Curlew
- 132. Whimbrel
- 133. Temminck’s Courser
- 134. Pratincole
- 135. White - Collared Pratincole
- 136. Egyptian Plover (single unconfirmed sight record)
- 137. Gull - Billed Tern
- 138. White - Winged Black Tern
- 139. African Skimmer
- 140. Button Quail
- 141. Four - Banded Sandgrouse
- 142. Speckled Pigeon
- 143. Red - Eye Dove
- 144. Mourning Dove
- 145. Ring - Necked Dove
- 146. Vinaceous Dove
- 147. Laughing Dove
- 148. Namaqua Dove
- 149. Black - Billed Wood Dove
- 150. Bruce’s Green Pigeon
- 151. Green Pigeon
- 152. European Cuckoo
- 153. African Cuckoo
- 154. Red - Chested Cuckoo
- 155. Great Spotted Cuckoo
- 156. Levaillant’s Cuckoo
- 157. Black and White Cuckoo
- 158. Emerald Cuckoo
- 159. Didric Cuckoo
- 160. Klaas' Cuckoo
- 161. Senegal Coucal
- 162. White Browed Coucal
- 163. White - Crested Turaco
- 164. Eastern Grey Plantain - Eater
- 165. Brown Parrot
- 166. Red - Headed Lovebird
- 167. European Roller
- 168. Abyssinian Roller
- 169. Rufous - Crowned Roller
- 170. Broad - Billed Roller
- 171. Pied Kingfisher
- 172. Giant Kingfisher
- 173. Malachite Kingfisher
- 174. Pygmy Kingfisher
- 175. Woodland Kingfisher
- 176. Grey Headed Kingfisher
- 177. Striped Kingfisher
- 178. European Bee - Eater
- 179. Madagascar Bee - Eater
- 180. Blue - Cheeked Bee - Eater
- 181. Carmine Bee - Eater
- 182. White - Throated Bee - Eater
- 183. Little Bee - Eater
- 184. Cinnamon - Chested Bee - Eater
- 185. Blue - Breasted Bee - Eater
- 186. Red - Throated Bee - Eater
- 187. Swallow Tailed Bee - Eater
- 188. Black and White - Casqued Hornbill
- 189. Grey Hornbill
- 190. Crowned Hornbill
- 191. Abyssinian Ground Hornbill
- 192. European Hoopoe
- • 193. Green Wood Hoopoe• 194. Black Wood Hoopoe• 195. African Marsh Owl• 196. Pearl - Spotted Owlet• 197. Verreaux’s Eagle Owl• 198. Pel’s Fishing Owl
• 199. European Nightjar
• 200. Plain Nightjar
• 201. Standard - Wing Nightjar
• 202. Pennant - Wing Nightjar
• 203. Long - Tailed Nightjar
• 204. Speckled Mousebird
• 205. Blue - Naped Mousebird
• 206. Double - Toothed Barbet
• 207. Black - Billed Barbet
• 208. White - Headed Barbet
• 209. Spotted - Flanked Barbet
• 210. Yellow - Fronted Tinkerbird
• 211. Greater Honey guide
• 212. Lesser Honey guide
• 213. Nubian Woodpecker
• 214. Cardinal Woodpecker
• 215. Grey Woodpecker
• 216. Nyanza Swift
• 217. Scarce Swift
• 218. Alpine Swift
• 219. Little Swift
• 220. White - Rumped Swift
• 221. Horus Swift
• 222. Palm Swift
• 223. Flappet Lark
• 224. European White Wagtail
• 225. African Pied Wagtail
• 226. Blue - Headed Wagtail and races
• 227. Plain - Backed Pipit
• 228. Richard’s Pipit
• 229. Yellow - Throated Longclaw
• 230. Brown Babbler
• 231. Black - Lored Babbler
• 232. Yellow - Vented Bulbul
• 233. Yellow - Throated Leaf Love
• 234. European Spotted Flycatcher
• 235. Swamp Flycatcher
• 236. Black Flycatcher
• 237. Silver Bird
• 238. Yellow - Bellied Flycatcher
• 239. Black - Headed Puff - Back Flycatcher
• 240. Wattle - Eye Flycatcher
• 241. Blue Flycatcher
• 242. Paradise Fycatcher
• 243. African Thrush
• 244. European Rock Thrush
• 245. European Common Wheatear
• 246. Isabelline Wheatear
• 247. Pied Wheatear
• 248. Sooty Chat
• 249. European Whinchat
• 250. White - Browed Robin Chat
• 251. Snowy - Headed Robin Chat
• 252. Spotted Morning Warbler
• 253. Red - Backed Scrub Robin
• 254. European Nightingale
• 255. European Sedge Warbler
• 256. European Willow Warbler
• 257. Crombec
• 258. Grey Tit - Warbler
• 259. Green - Backed Camaroptera
• 260. Grey - Backed Camaroptera
• 261. Wing - Snapping Cisticola
• 262. Rattling Cisticola
• 263. Winding Cisticola
• 264. Croaking Cisticola
• 265. Foxy Cisticola
• 266. Tawny - Flanked Prinia
• 267. European Swallow
• 268. Angola Swallow
• 269. Ethiopian Swallow
• 270. Wire - Tailed Swallow
• 271. Red - Rumped Swallow
• 272. Mosque Swallow
• 273. Rufous - Chested Swallow
• 274. Striped Swallow
• 275. European Sand Martin
• 276. African Sand Martin
• 277. White - Headed Rough - Wing Swallow
• 278. Red - Shouldered Cuckoo Shrike
• 279. White - Breasted Cuckoo Shrike
• 280. Grey Cuckoo Shrike
• 281. Drongo
• 282. Curly - Crested Helmet Shrike
• 283. Northern Brubru
• 284. Grey - Backed Fiscal
• 285. Lesser Grey Shrike
• 286. Fiscal Shrike
• 287. Red - Backed Shrike
• 288. Emin’s Shrike
• 289. Red - Tailed Shrike
• 290. Woodchat Shrike
• 291. Yellow - Billed Shrike
• 292. Black - Headed Gonolek
• 293. Tropical Boubou
• 294. Puff - Back Shrike
• 295. Black - Headed Tchagra
• 296. Brown - Headed Tchagra
• 297. Blackcap Tchagra
• 298. Sulphur - Breasted Bush Shrike
• 299. Black Tit
• 300. European Golden Oriole
• 301. African Golden Oriole
• 302. Pied Crow
• 303. Piapiac
• 304. Wattled Starling
• 305. Violet - Backed Starling
• 306. Blue - Eared Glossy Starling
• 307. Lesser Blue - Eared Starling
• 308. Purple Glossy Starling
• 309. Splendid Glossy Starling
• 310. Ruppell’s Long - Tailed Starling
• 311. Yellow - Billed Oxpecker
• 312. Yellow White - Eye
• 313. Red - Chested Sunbird
• 314. Beautiful Sunbird
• 315. Pygmy Sunbird
• 316. Superb Sunbird
• 317. Copper Sunbird
• 318. Scarlet - Chested Sunbird
• 319. Green - Headed Sunbird
• 320. Collared Sunbird
• 321. Violet - Backed Sunbird
• 322. Grey - Headed Sunbird
• 323. Chestnut - Crowned Sparrow Weaver
• 324. Grey - Headed Sparrow
• 325. Chestnut Sparrow
• 326. Speckle - Fronted Weaver
• 327. Black - Headed Weaver
• 328. Masked Weaver
• 329. Little Weaver
• 330. Spectacled Weaver
• 331. Vieillot’s Black Weaver
• 332. Compact Weaver
• 333. Red - Headed Malimbe
• 334. Grosbeak Weaver
• 335. Red - Billed Weaver
• 336. Red - Billed Quelea
• 337. Red - Headed Quelea
• 338. Cardinal Quelea
• 339. Red Bishop
• 340. Black - Winged Bishop
• 341. Yellow - Mantled Widow - bird
• 342. Bronze Mannikin
• 343. Brown Twin - spot
• 344. Cut - Throat
• 345. Quail Finch
• 346. Green - Winged Pytilia
• 347. African Fire Finch
• 348. Red - Billed Fire Finch
• 349. Waxbill
• 350. Zebra Waxbill
• 351. Fawn - Breasted Waxbill
• 352. Black - Bellied Waxbill
• 353. Red - Cheeked Cordon - Bleu
• 354. Indigo - Bird
• 355. Pin - Tailed Whydah
• 356. Paradise Whydah
• 357. Yellow - Fronted Canary
• 358. Yellow - Rumped Seed - Eater
• 359. Golden - Breasted Bunting
• 360. Brown - Rumped Bunting